Thursday 23 January 2014


Object Oriented Programming(OOP)

Week 1 was just the introduction to the class and revision of CSC108. It acted as a whetstone for the skills and knowledge we gained in CSC108. 

Week 2 was when we were actually introduced to OOP. All we knew before the lecture was how to create a Class. After the Lecture we knew what a Class is! "It is a factory for Objects" It is used to create more complicated data types that contain arbitrary content. The thing about OOP is that it makes every thing organized and easily available to the programmer. It makes things totally uncomplicated. We also learned about the Abstract Data Types or ADTs, like the Stack and Queue.

I really enjoyed the Labs we had for the course. It was challenging and satisfying(if you could complete it!). Last lab was about the Stacks and Queue, We had to create and implement two classes,
Stacks and Queue. Stack as a List, which is LIFO(Last in first out). And Queue as a List, which is FIFO(First in first out). It was kind of easy, but not! I got stuck on the last question of the Hand-out. We had to reduce the time taken by the Queue class when it was being implemented for a lot of items over and over again. In other words we have to make it more efficient. It bugged me for  a good half-hour! but in the end with a little help of the T.A I got it! All we were suppose to do was to bound the list so that it does not exceed a certain amount of elements. Cause shifting every element was the only time taken part of the class.  I solved it by adding a index tracker. It clears all the elements from the list after that position, instead just deleting each one every time and shifting the others. 

About the Lecturer and the T.A. I really like my T.A, he is a nice guy and well he really helped me with the Queue  problem stated above. But honestly I really hate my Lecturer! I think he is not prepared for the Lectures or he is just inexperienced. Although I am enrolled in the evening Section of the course I go to the 10 o'clock section just to get my grasp on things. I hope my comments(honest opinion) about the Lecturer doesn't back-fire.
Until next time....